"Here I Would Put An Intriguing And Reader-Oriented Headline That Grabs Attention With The Main Point Of What I Offer"
This sub-headline is a good place to encourage your visitors to Sign Up Now for your Free Offer by adding some further information on the benefits of watching the video below.
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If Page Visitors Are Still Not Convinced. List Out Some Benefits For Your Offer That Can Help Them Make That Decision To Sign Up
  • Here I would put the top cool things that I KNOW they would want to know then I would bold something that I would want to stick out.
  • Then I'd add a second thing here, but this time I'd make the cool part of the sentence bold. That way people will know what's important.  
  • The one last cool thing should go here and then we'll be done with this section! Isn't it nice to plug in all of the content like this? 
Now that I have them sold on the Free Offer. I want to give them one last BIG Call To Action that will push them back to the Opt-in Form

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